Complementary Skills: Presence – Performance – Impact

March 22-23, 2013

Date and time: March 22, 2013 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., March 23, 2013 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Location: Alte Mensa, Atrium Minimum/Maximum, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 3 - 9, 55128 Mainz

Trainer: Raimund Schall, Theater Zerberus, Freiburg


In order to be both - professionally and personally - successful, you must display your own individualpersonality, besides proving your expertise and competence.

Your benefits from participation:

  • The primary objective is to improve your impact in application-, job- and team situations and in publicappearances by focusing on your authenticity and your persuasive power
  • Learn how to use your body languageRegardless of what is transmitted in conversations, lectures, in thought and feeling, in critical situations,body language is always present. Body expression and presence can either underline or contradict thespoken word.
  • Enhance your capability playing with the Non-saidThe Non-said indicates that immense realm which is situated on the threshold of the articulate word.This silent realm therefore requires it’s own form of expression which encompasses the vast dimensionof the unspoken.
  • Get secured behaving at your personal best in critical situationsWe must attempt to realize that we express ourselves both through words and through our posture,gestures, facial expressions, eyes, the way we walk, namely our individual gait, through body tensionand spatial behaviour.
  • Reinforce your own security in communicative situations and be sealed by non-verbal relationship andcontact.

Workshop Framework

Awareness is essential for conscious action. Exercises in the field of theatre involving feedback and evaluationraise the level of consciousness. Thereby these exercises help you to figure out the impact of personalexpression. Such performative procedures will enable you to gain a greater familiarity with your own abilities.In a relaxed, playful and creative atmosphere you will try out your behavioural alternatives. You will become morefamiliar with your abilities, get more

Workshop description and booking available in/through Teamweb!