The research training opportunities provided by the MAINZ Graduate School of Excellence go far beyond the scope of a single research group. They include interdisciplinary training and an exchange of knowledge in different fields of materials science, such as ‘hard” and ‘soft” matter (inorganic-organic-biological), preparation and characterisation, as well as combining theory and experimental work.
The research training program of the Graduate School Materials Science in Mainz (MAINZ) embodies elements that go beyond the own projects of its PhD students:
- Lecture Series to develop personal networks and look beyond ones own expertise
- Summer or Winter Schools and Master Classes to receive expert training by renowned scientists
- Secondments to broaden the students´ scientific and intercultural horizon and develop international networks
- Student Seminars to not only strengthen the network within MAINZ but also that students can present their own research to their peers
- Technical Training to expert knowledge in the application of modern research instrumentation
Lecture Series 'Fundamentals of Materials Science'
Date: Wednesdays according to the announced program
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 am
Location: Seminar room MAINZ, Staudingerweg 9, third floor, room 03-122
The lecture series is intended as a survey of selected hot topics in the area of materials research. Internal or external speakers are asked to highlight in a concise lecture of about 45 minutes an exemplary topic of their work, or give an overview over a selected area within Materials Science. Lecturers will be invited and introduced by MAINZ students with a 15 minutes introductory talk to make the scientific talk´s more accessible for the multisiciplinary audience. The scientific talk will be followed by an intense discussion of the topics raised in the lecture. The lecture should not be too specialized and should also allow those MAINZ students to follow who are not directly working in the field. Speakers are particularly encouraged to emphasize the challenges and the future directions in the various fields as well as the interdisciplinary cooperation which is required for achieving the scientific and/or technical goals.
Our Lecture Series is organized by a Lecture Series Committee. It is intended that the lecture series serves as a regular meeting point for the MAINZ students and stimulates interchange. Accordingly we will continue our previous tradition and start each lecture with a free breakfast starting 8:45 am.
You'll find a list of all upcoming MAINZ Lectures as well as an Archive in the events section.
Summer Schools, Winter Schools, Master Classes
Each year the Graduate School Materials Science in Mainz (MAINZ) offers several Summer or Winter Schools. All PhD students of MAINZ are encouraged to attend one school per year. Students are also encouraged to attend Summer or Winter Schools outside the program of MAINZ and receive funding from MAINZ for these events. Within the three-year PhD period at MAINZ, our students need to attend at least two summer schools.
You'll find a list of all upcoming MAINZ Summer or Winter Schools and Master Classes as well as an Archive in the events section.
Conference Participation
Early involvement of students in international networks, e.g. through coordinated conference participation will promote their scientific careers already at a very early stage. Therefore, it is mandatory that students attend international conferences. These often serve as a forum for young scientists, in which they can not only present their own research to a wider audience, thereby gaining in confidence and communication skills, but also make themselves known to the community in their respective fields. Travel by graduate students to three international conferences (one per year) during the course of the PhD is covered by MAINZ.
In accordance with their supervisors, students can pursue part (three to twelve months) of their research in laboratories abroad or also with other groups of MAINZ. The students will be provided with laboratory space there and will have access to local seminars and lectures. This will strengthen collaborative research progress and offers students a wide educational experience. These secondments are financially supported by MAINZ.
Student Seminar
Our PhD student workshops are designed to enhance networking between the students of the program and to encourage scientific collaboration within the school. The program of each student seminar typically includes a brief introduction of new students, didactic plenary talks and specialized talks aimed at all students. The heart of the seminar are the social activities (e.g., barbecue, excursions, hikes, etc.) to create mutual memories and strengthen the MAINZ network beyond each one´s PhD. In general, all talks (including the plenary talks) are given by PhD students or alumni of MAINZ, but outstanding scientists can be invited as guest lecturers. As the student seminarss are especially dedicated to our PhD students, supervisors are generally not present at the seminars but can be invited to join. The PhD student representatives are responsible for organizing the seminars and receive support from the Coordination Office of MAINZ. In addition, MAINZ encourages its students to organize additional seminars in smaller groups taking place throughout the year.
Further information regarding the MAINZ Student Seminars that have taken place during the last years can be found by clicking on the link.
Technical Training
Research training focuses on four main technical training areas.
Advanced Synthesis and Characterization will introduce PhD students to the fundamental “art of making things”. This area builds upon outstanding know-how as well as the excellent synthesis and characterization infrastructure available at MAINZ. Theory and Simulations provides PhD students with profound knowledge of the physical and chemical principles underlying materials properties. MAINZ PIs have a strong track record in theory, especially in the field of computer simulation methods, predicting the properties and functionalities of specific compounds.
Tailoring materials properties through Processing has become increasingly important in academia, and in particular in industrial environments. Creating innovative materials and applications relies on new techniques, making Method Development a key enabler. Training in processing and method development is implemented in close cooperation with industrial partners. Leading companies, including BASF, IBM, Bosch, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Schott, have documented their commitment to actively contribute towards the MAINZ training program. Through these collaborations, we provide opportunities that go far beyond what is usually available at academic institutions.
Find a full list of the so far offered technical training and don´t hesitate to contact the MAINZ Coordination Office with your own ideas!