
The Graduate School MAINZ is embedded in a system of graduate centers and schools at the host institutions and cooperates with local research centers.

MAINZ has established contacts to leading universities worldwide to guarantee PhD students ideal conditions, if they want to benefit from a secondment outside of their host institution. Our cooperating partners have agreed either to start or to strengthen collaboration and student/postdoctoral exchange programs in the interdisciplinary field of materials science.

Outside the academic field, MAINZ has assembled a network of local (e.g. Surface Concept, Singulus), national (e.g. Schott), and international industrial partners (e.g. IBM, BASF, Henkel, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim), which support the graduate school in research and training.

MAINZ also maintains a lively network with our aumni building bridges between the generations of PhD students and connecting science and professional knowledge in diverse fields of activities.