Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann Ultrafast Phenomena at Surfaces |
Dr. Denis Andrienko Organic Electronics - Theory and Simulations |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Basché Single Molecule Spectroscopy |
Prof. Dr. Pol Besenius Molecular Self-Assembly |
Prof. Dr. Paul Blom Molecular Electronics |
Prof. Dr. Mischa Bonn Molecular Spectroscopy |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt MPI for Polymer Research |
Prof. Dr. Jure Demsar Ultrafast Phenomena in Condensed Matter |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers Magnetism |
Prof. Dr. Michael Fleischhauer Theoretical Quantum Optics |
Prof. Dr. Holger Frey Novel Functional Materials |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gauß Theoretical Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Katja Heinze Coordination Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands Department of Physics |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jakob Magnetic Materials |
Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui Nanomagnetism, Spin Dynamics |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Kremer Polymer Theory |
Prof. Dr. Katharina Landfester Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Colloids |
Prof. Dr. Yuriy Mokrousov Institute of Physics Website |
Prof. Dr. Herwig Ott Ultracold Quantum Gases |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Palberg Experimental Soft Matter JGU Mainz |
Prof. Dr. Harald Paulsen Pigment-Protein Complexes |
Prof. Dr. Eva Rentschler Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid Soft Condensed Matter Theory |
Prof. Dr. Gerd Schönhense Spectroscopic Imaging JGU Mainz |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert Supramolecular Polymer Networks |
Prof. Dr. Jairo Sinova Spintronics Theory |
Prof. Dr. Carsten Sönnichsen Institute of Physical Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck Statistical Mechanics of Systems out of Equilibrium |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tremel Inorganic Materials |
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Waldvogel Organic Electrochemistry |
Prof. Dr. Macromolecular Architecture |
Prof. Dr. Artur Widera Individual Quantum Systems |
Prof. Dr. Patrick Windpassinger Experimental Quantum Physics |
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Zentel Synthetic Polymer Science |
Associated Members
Dr. Matthias Barz Synthetic Polypeptides and Polypept(o)ides |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andrii Chumak Applied Spin-Wave Physics |
Dr. Bertrand Dupé Computational Material Design |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Eggert Theory of Condensed Matter |
Dr. Karin Everschor-Sitte Topological Whirls in SpinTronics |
PD Dr. Martin Jourdan Heusler Compounds |
Prof. Dr. Edward Lemke Synthetic Biophysics of Protein Disorder |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Mezger Soft Matter Interfaces |
Dr. Arash Nikoubashman Microfluidics of Complex Liquids |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matteo Rizzi Synthetic Quantum Matter (with Cold Atoms) |
Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Schneider Many-Particle Theory |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller Ultrafast Phenomena |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi Solid/Liquid Interfaces |
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Turchinovich Terahertz Physics |
Dr. Peter Virnau Soft Condensed Matter Theory |
Prof. Dr. Eva Wolf Structural Biology of Proteins |
Dr. Frederik Wurm Polymer Materials |
External Faculty
Dr. Martin Letz SCHOTT AG |
Dr. Wolfgang Mannstadt SCHOTT AG
Prof. Dr. Stuart Parkin MPI of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany
Senior Members
Prof. Dr. Kurt Binder Statistical Mechanics of Systems out of Equilibrium |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Müllen Graphenes and Carbon Materials |
Prof. Dr. Hans Wolfgang Spiess Magnetic Resonance Techniques |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wegener Novel Macromolecular Materials |