Buddy Program

For you as an international student arriving in Germany we want to make your start as easy as possible. Our students organize a Buddy for each new international student that will help you to find your way about campus, public transport and the "typical German way of life". You will be introduced by your Buddy to the MAINZ Office, regulations and events. Your Buddy will be the first contact to MAINZ students and help you networking with everyone else.

Whether you are a foreign student coming to MAINZ or a already settled student with the MAINZ network, partaking in the Buddy Program benefits you in many ways - from intercultural competencies to enlargen your social skills or even just meeting new people. If you are interested in becoming a buddy for someone yourself, please contact our committee!

Meet our Buddy Program Committee:


Simon Aeschlimann
AK Kühnle, JGU
Marius Bause
AK Kremer, MPI-P
Ben McKeever
AK Everschor-Sitte, JGU